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Order by emailing Reid at

Please include shipping address and telephone number.

We are happy to estimate FedEx charges if needed.  We will send you an invoice through PayPal for credit card purchases. For your security please do not include credit card information in your email order.  Thank you for your patience and support of our family farm.


Available in all grades, except cabins, Amber Rich only.
$58.00 Gallon
$34.00 Half Gallon
$22.00 Quart
$13.00 Pint
$7.00 Half Pint
$4.00 3.4 oz.
$13.00 Large Cabin 16.9 oz.
$10.00 Small Cabin 8.4 oz.

Richardson Glass and Squeeze:

Available in Amber Rich.
$12.00 12 oz. Squeeze
$15.00 16 oz. Squeeze
$38.00 ½ Gallon Glass
$22.00 750ml / 25.4 oz
$16.00 375ml / 12.7 oz.
$9.00 5 oz.
$22.00 Quart Mason Cooking